
Ring Around The Rosie
A pair of wedding rings left in a rose bush change the lives of the giver and those who find them ... and the lives of their children.

Thin Ice
The ice on the mill pond is thick and safe, but out at the edge of the river, where currents are deep and dangerous, it's thin. So it is with the faith of some, but there's nothing like a fall into the icy water to bring out the miraculous in even the most discouraged believers.

Nadine's Nose From A to Z
This little piece of fiction began as a writing exercize. The rules were that the story had to have 26 sentences, each beginning with a succeeding letter of the alphabet. And, one sentence had to have exactly 100 words. This turned out to be not nearly the longest sentence. The resulting piece, which is a little provincial and possibly somewhat sexist, is still fun ... at least I think so. What do you think? You can write to me at

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