
The Sandpoint Movie

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For the centennial celebration of Sandpoint, Idaho, we made a movie. I was asked to write the scr"+"ipt, which turned out to be a challenge ... a big challenge.  Luckily, I broke my ankle that winter and couldn't ski, so the scr"+"ipt got finished.

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Cinematographer Eric Daarstad, digital editor Terry Cooper and I took 1400 pages of interviews and stories, hundreds of hours of tape and countless still images of the early days of Sandpoint and the surrounding communities and squeezed them all into a two-hour movie, Sandpoint: At the North End of the Long Bridge. By following the link, you can read about the process of making the movie and, if you're intrigued, buy the video or DVD.

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I think it's a pretty good movie ... but I'm prejudiced.

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MultiLingual Computing & Technology

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This is a fine publication about international computing, localization and other issues in international communication via the World Wide Web. Sometimes, I work here. ;-) Go to

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My brother Chris is in the Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration business ... sort of. He actually teaches the subject at North Idaho College in Coeur d' Alene, Idaho - and on the Web at Check it out.

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