
About Sandy Compton

\"TheHi. I’m Sandy Compton, and though I’ve grown up a bit since this picture was taken, some would argue that it hasn’t been a lot. This portrait was made at least a few years ago by Doris Miller, an outrageous friend of my mother’s who dyed her hair, drove a convertible and had the courage to be an independent and single woman in the very married world of ... well, let’s just say it wasn’t this decade.

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Doris’ studio for this shoot was our front room. The backdrop is a bed sheet fresh off the clothes line, and I’m sitting on the plaid wool blanket off my bed. It couldn’t be much more home-made than that.

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The feather with the orange shaft is from a flicker, a beautiful bird that makes a living digging bugs out of trees. In some Native traditions, Flicker is the keeper of Rhythm. If you hear Flicker’s staccato call or his beak-driven, drum-roll tattoo beaten on a tamarack snag or a metal chimney, you’ll understand why. But the rhythms Flicker represents extend beyond sound; to seasons, the circles of the planets and deeper cycles of living we all enjoin.

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As a story teller, I claim Flicker as a totem, for my joy is to explore these seasons and tell the tales I dig up. Like Doris’ portraits of me and the rest of my family, these essays and stories are homemade. They contain not much glitz or glitter, for they are hand-made from ordinary ingredients, but they are well-stitched and pieced together with love.

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Be sure to check the Sandpoint General Store to see copies of my book, Jason's Passage, for sale online.

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